26-28 February 2025
Facultad de Ciencias
America/Lima timezone

Revisiting the dynamics of spinning, eccentric binary black holes

28 Feb 2025, 11:00
Auditorio (Facultad de Ciencias)


Facultad de Ciencias

Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Puerta 5 – Av. Tupac Amaru N° 210 Rimac.


Mr Manuel Alva Morales (Universidad Nacional de Trujillo)


The study of binary black holes (BBHs) with spin and eccentricity is crucial for understanding gravitational wave signals detected by current and future observatories. In this work, we revisit the dynamics of spinning, eccentric black holes using post-Newtonian approximations and Hamiltonian methods. We explore the interplay between spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings, as well as their impact on orbital evolution. Additionally, we analyze the role of resonances and separatrices in shaping the long-term behavior of these systems. Our findings provide insights into a new criterion to identify separatrices in the phase space of eccentric, spinning BBHs within the context of action-angle variables formalism.

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