The Higgs mechanism is fundamental to understanding how gauge bosons
acquire mass in classical field theories through spontaneous symmetry breaking.
In the U(1) Abelian case, a complex scalar field interacts with a gauge field, and
a scalar potential that leads to a non-zero vacuum expectation value (VEV). This
breaks the symmetry and results in a massive gauge boson, while the remaining
scalar excitation manifests itself as the Higgs boson [1]. The non-Abelian SU(2)
scenario involves a scalar doublet field. The spontaneous symmetry breaking
occurs when the scalar field acquires a VEV, reducing the symmetry from SU(2)
to U(1). This generates three massless Goldstone bosons, which are ”eaten” by
the gauge fields, giving mass to the corresponding gauge bosons. The orthogonal
scalar degree of freedom becomes the Higgs boson [2]. Although both models rely
on spontaneous symmetry breaking to generate mass, their structural differences
are significant. For example, SU(2) model leads to self-interactions among gauge
fields, adding complexity to the dynamics. This framework is crucial in the
development of electroweak theory and the Standard Model of particle physics
[1] Mark Thomson. Modern particle physics. Cambridge University Press, New York,
10 2013.
[2] V. A. Rubakov. Classical theory of gauge fields. Princeton University Press, Prince-
ton, New Jersey, 5 2002.
[3] Ahmed Abokhalil. The Higgs Mechanism and Higgs Boson: Unveiling the Symme-
try of the Universe. 6 2023
Breve historial académico | Pregrado en UNMSM, PUCP, XXX Escuela de Verano en Física - UNAM, XXX Simposio Peruano de Física, Theoretical Particle Physics Physics Latam |