12-14 August 2021
Lima, Perú
America/Lima timezone
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FPGA Photon Coincidence Counting with National Instruments

13 Aug 2021, 13:05
Lima, Perú

Lima, Perú

Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Materials Science and Nanotechnology parallels


Georges Oates Larsen (Portland State University)


Coincidence Counting Units (CCUs) based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) allow the execution of single-photon quantum mechanics experiments (such as the Grangier experiment, or testing of single photon interference) at relatively low cost. However, implementing such systems on National Instruments FPGAs poses a unique design challenge due to the limitations of LabVIEW's dataflow-based high level synthesis engine. We present a detailed description of one such implementation using a National Instruments myRIO FPGA. Our system achieves 6.9 ns minimum guaranteed-distinguishable delay and 32.2 MHz peak coincidence counting rate with four input channels and simultaneous monitoring of all possible coincidence types. This low cost system offers a way to make single-photon quantum experiments accessible to a larger audience of students and professionals.

Primary author

Georges Oates Larsen (Portland State University)


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