12-14 August 2021
Lima, Perú
America/Lima timezone
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Studies of the temperature dependence of SiPMT of MINERvA Test Beam detector

Not scheduled
Lima, Perú

Lima, Perú

Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
posters Nuclear and Particles Posters


Mr Alberto Edgar Chavarria Rodriguez (UNI)


To study the temperature effect in the gain of the SiPMTs two "thermometers" were used. One was placed near the Test Beam Detector, and used as a first approximation assuming the Test Beam Detector was in thermal equilibrium. The other one is a chip built-in the PMT so that can tell the temperature at all times, and it showed a more realistic distribution of temperatures throughout the time the data was taken.
Finally, plots of Gain vs Temperature are shown and, indeed, tell the temperature effect over the data that was considered in this work. We observed, and measured, that the temperature increase effect causes a decrease of less than 1% in gain of the data analyzed. Nevertheless, in high-accurate measurements this effect should not be neglected if one pursuits to get as close as possible to that number that nature tries to hide.

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