16-18 December 2021
Cusco. Peru
America/Lima timezone
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Spin-Orbit Coupling Effect over Kondo Temperature and Thermoelectric transport Properties of a Quantum Dot

16 Dec 2021, 10:45
Cusco. Peru

Cusco. Peru

Paraninfo Universitario de la UNSAAC, frente a la Plaza de Armas del Cusco.
parallels Materials Science and Nanotechnology parallels


Dr Marco A. Manya (Federal Fluminense University)


In this work, we present the research results of the spin-orbit coupling effect over Kondo Temperature and thermoelectric transport properties through a quantum dot. The problem is modeled as a single impurity Anderson model in the presence of the spin-orbit interaction which mixes the spins of the conduction electrons, and consequently, the SU(2) spin symmetry, important to the Kondo state of the system is broken. The SU(2) symmetry is recovered doing a spin rotation along the axis $\hat{r}$, where the system form Kondo many body singlet state. On this new quantization axis, the hybridization function is diagonal, the Haldane formula for the Kondo temperature is renormalized by spin-orbit interaction, The thermoelectric transport properties, it was observed that the electrical, thermal conductance, and the thermopower have universality behavior with the spin-orbit interaction, and similarly we observe that the Wiedemann-Franz law and the ZT improve with the spin-orbit interaction.

Primary author

Dr Marco A. Manya (Federal Fluminense University)


Dr George Balster M. (Federal university of Uberlandia (UFU)) Dr Marcos S. Figueira Da Silva (Federal Fluminense University)

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