The High-Energy community has been pioneer in establishing Virtual Research and Learning Networks (VRLCs)[1], international consortiums to train young scientists. In this talk we discuss the LA-CoNGA physics example: Latin American alliance for Capacity buildiNG in Advanced physics) [2].
LA-CoNGA physics aims to support the modernization of the university infrastructure and the academic offer in advanced physics in four Latin American countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. This VRLC is composed of 3 partner universities in Europe and 8 in Latin America, high-level scientific partners (CEA, CERN, CNRS, DESY, ICTP), and several academic and industrial partners. The project is co-funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.
Open Science education and Open Data are at the heart of our operations. In practice LA-CoNGA physics has created a set of postgraduate courses in Advanced Physics (high energy physics and complex systems) that are common and inter-institutional, supported by interconnected instrumentation laboratories and an open e-learning platform. This program is inserted as a specialization in the Physics masters of the 8 Latin American partners in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. It is based on three pillars: theory/phenomenology, data science and scientific instrumentation.
[1] http://www.oecd.org/sti/inno/international-distributed-research-infrastructures.pdf
[2] http://laconga.redclara.net