16-18 December 2021
Cusco. Peru
America/Lima timezone
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OAUNI detections of Supernovae

17 Dec 2021, 15:00
Cusco. Peru

Cusco. Peru

Paraninfo Universitario de la UNSAAC, frente a la Plaza de Armas del Cusco.
key notes Astronomy and Cosmology keynotes


Antonio Pereyra (Instituto Geofísico del Perú / Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería)


We report photometric detections of supernovae events gathered at UNI Astronomical Observatory located at the central peruvian Andes. Several events were detected on the last years, including Type-Ia and Type-II supernovae. We show the special calibration process used to quantify the proper magnitude associated to each event. When multicolor photometry is available, color-color diagnostic diagram were used to compute the supernova time post maximum brightness. In additional, our photometry was used to construct light curves and let to compare our data with empirical supernova models. The last process was used in one case to infer the stretch parameter in order to confirm previous classification. This project is supported by UNI-VRI and Concytec (grants 102-2015, 133-2020).

Primary authors

Antonio Pereyra (Instituto Geofísico del Perú / Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería) Mr Miguel Espinoza (UNI) Dr Julio Tello (UNI) Dr María Zevallos (UNI) Mr Diego Alvarado (UNI)

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