16-18 December 2021
Cusco. Peru
America/Lima timezone
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Constrained symplectic approach to the matter field

18 Dec 2021, 10:00
Cusco. Peru

Cusco. Peru

Paraninfo Universitario de la UNSAAC, frente a la Plaza de Armas del Cusco.
posters Nuclear and Particles Posters


Raul Quicaño Bellido (IMCA-UNI)


We consider a two-dimensional field theory which is a deformation of the integrable Toda model coupled
to matter field. With the following Lagrangian
$$ \frac{1}{\kappa} {\cal L}=\frac{1}{4}\partial_{\mu }\varphi \partial ^{\mu }\varphi +i\overline{\chi }\gamma ^{\mu}\partial _{\mu }\chi -M \overline{\chi }e^{ 2 i (\varphi + r \theta) \gamma _{5}}\chi +\lambda_{\mu}(2\overline{\chi}\gamma^{\mu}\chi-\epsilon^{\mu\nu}\partial_{\nu}(\varphi + v \theta)). $$
It is treated as a constrained system in the context of Faddeev-Jackiw and constrained symplectic formalism. We recover from this theory either the sine-Gordon or the massive Thirring model, through a process of Hamiltonian reduction, considering the equivalence of the Noether and topological currents modifieds as a constraint.

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