parallels: parallels
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parallels: parallels applied physics
- Marco Antonio Zamalloa Jara (UNSAAC)
parallels: paralelas
- Maria Isela Zevallos (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería)
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In this work, we present the research results of the spin-orbit coupling effect over Kondo Temperature and thermoelectric transport properties through a quantum dot. The problem is modeled as a single impurity Anderson model in the presence of the spin-orbit interaction which mixes the spins of the conduction electrons, and consequently, the SU(2) spin symmetry, important to the Kondo state of...
In this work, the relevance of size and composition in the structural and thermodynamic properties of Al-Fe nanoalloys are studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Our results indicate a linear character of the melting temperature as a function of the inverse nanoalloy size for Al, Fe, and Al50Fe50 systems. Furthermore, body-centered cubic, hexagonal close-packed, and local icosahedral...
This work studies the impact of overirradiance events on the irradiance’s spectral distribution quantified by the average photon energy (APE). The experimental data were measured on a tilted surface in Lima, Peru, from October 2019 to March 2020. Due mainly to Lima’s low latitude, the spectrum is blue-shifted concerning the AM1.5G spectrum. The clear‑sky‑tilted index was defined and calculated...
Recently we began studies about inks in ancient documents using non-destructive elemental analysis. It is very important because there were no studies of this kind in Peru. This works had the objective of analysing six manuscripts related to Peruvian history, looking for information about the inks manufacture development in Peru. We used a hand-handled X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer...
In this presentation, the distribution of the tsunami source is obtained for the Huacho earthquake of October 17 1966 at 21:41 UTC. It was a strong earthquake that shook the central region of Peru, causing 100 fatalities. The maximum intensity was reported in the cities of Supe (probably IX MM) and Huacho (VIII MM). A coseismic effect was a tsunami that inundated some coastal towns and...
Se simula por el método Monte Carlos la medición por la técnica 2E del promedio de la multiplicidad neutrónica en función de la masa de los fragmentos de la reacción 239Pu(nth,f). Como valores simulados como primarios se considera la forma diente de sierra aproximada a valores experimentales. Como resultado se confirma sobrestimación de los valores correspondientes a las masa alrededor de 115,...
En este trabajo, demostramos experimentalmente la mejora de la conductividad térmica.Hemos encontrado que la conductividad térmica en el plano de una película de SiO2 de 20 nm de espesor a temperatura ambiente es casi el doble de su contraparte fonónica [2]. Esta clara mejora también es válida para una película de SiN de 30 nm de espesor, cuando su temperatura aumenta de 300 a 800 K [3]. Estos...
In this work, we present a proposal for the identification of the origin of the name of the pre-Columbian urban center of Teotihuacan, the city of gods, based on its toponym structured in geographic accidents or the work of its inhabitants
Como es bien sabido, la conductividad térmica de fonones y electrones de una película delgada generalmente disminuye a medida que su espesor se reduce a nano escalas, lo cual tiene efectos dramáticos en ingeniería, tales como el sobrecalentamiento, la baja fiabilidad y la reducida vida útil de componentes electrónicos. Sin embargo, dado que las películas más delgadas tienen relaciones de...