24-26 September 2020
Lima, Perú
America/Lima timezone
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Automated Electronic Control of the ACS-SPM using a Field Programmable Gate Array via the NI-MyRIO (Containing the Xilink Z-7010 FPGA)

Not scheduled
Lima, Perú

Lima, Perú

Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
poster Materials Science and Nanotechnology Poster session


Umair Zaidi (PSU - USA)Dr Andres La Rosa (PSU - USA) Georges Oates Larsen (PSU - USA)


Quartz tuning fork (QTF) has become an important component in Scanning Probe Microscopy due to its robust and low-energy dissipation characteristics. When the QTF interacts with the sample, the mechanical response of the QTF is typically monitored through its electrical response, which, due to the intrinsic capacitance of the QTF, does not fully reflect the mechanical motion. Herein we report Acoustic Clamp Sensing (patent pending) as a new sensing mechanism to characterize the mechanical state of the QTF. Emphasis is given to the automated electronic control of the ACS-SPM using Field Programmable Gate Array, in such a way to make the new system more accessible to large groups of research. In particular we test a NI-MyRIO, containing the Xilink Z-7010 FPGA, and evaluate its performance while the probe approaches and retracts from the sample. Detailed technical description and implementation of the FPGA into the ACS-SPM will be provided.

Primary authors

Umair Zaidi (PSU - USA) Dr Andres La Rosa (PSU - USA) Georges Oates Larsen (PSU - USA)

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