24-26 September 2020
Lima, Perú
America/Lima timezone
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A Ray-Tracing simulation study for the dark matter new generation detector PICO-500

26 Sep 2020, 12:30
Lima, Perú

Lima, Perú

Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
poster Nuclear and Particles Poster session


Mr Jhoel Antony Montes Palma (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria)


Dark matter remains one of the biggest unresolved problems of physics. All we
know is that it doesn’t emit light and almost doesn’t interact with visible matter, except gravitationally. Calculations suggest that it makes up 83% of the matter in the universe.

By developing and implementing a new generation detector: PICO-500, the PICO Collaboration aims to detect and study its properties. But, before constructing such a big and expensive detector, it’s necessary to ensure that useful images can be obtained from the detector chamber in order to be analyzed.

To accomplish that, simulation studies are performed taking into account all the parameters involved in the experiment. Here we show a simulation study focused on the optical information obtained from the four photo cameras used in the experiment.

Primary author

Mr Jhoel Antony Montes Palma (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria)

Presentation Materials

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