24-26 September 2020
Lima, Perú
America/Lima timezone
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The sound horizon scale at baryon drag epoch

25 Sep 2020, 10:30
Lima, Perú

Lima, Perú

Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
video conference General relativity and Field theory keynote talks


Dr Armando Bernui (Observatorio Nacional, Brazil)


We show different forms to calculate the sound horizon scale at baryon
drag epoch, $r_{drag}$, a physical parameter considered a cosmological
standard ruler. This important parameter supports recent studies of the
large-scale structure of the Universe, including the dynamics of its evolution.
For this, one of the aims of current astronomical surveys is to know this
parameter with high precision. Here we make explicit the way this parameter
is calculated in the literature using cosmological parameters and assuming
LCDM cosmological model hypotheses. Finally, we show how it can be calculated
using data measured within a weakly cosmological-dependent approach.

Primary author

Dr Edilson de Carvalho (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Brazil)


Dr Armando Bernui (Observatorio Nacional, Brazil)

Presentation Materials

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